Would you prefer tiered internet, where ISPs extort money from big companies in order for them to retain the performance they already have?
The Kane search sought evidence tying the company not only to gifts to public officials but also to efforts to extort campaign contributions from other unnamed companies.
A previously unsealed document said that investigators were seeking evidence tying the company to gifts to public officials and to efforts to extort campaign contributions from unnamed companies.
According to some estimates, nearly $14 million was extorted from different companies in 1989 and 1990.
City officials say the biggest problem at the markets is union racketeering, with mobsters extorting payoffs from companies in exchange for labor peace.
Mr. Koike is a sokaiya, a type of gangster peculiar to Japan, who extorts money from companies by threatening to air their dirty laundry in public.
Saddam Hussein's government systematically extorted billions of dollars in illegal payments from companies doing business with Iraq.
They complained that investors' lawyers were in effect extorting money from companies to settle frivolous cases.
Revenues were not considered worthwhile compared to the money that could be extorted from companies that won public tenders in construction.
DDoS attacks are launched entirely for malicious purposes, and are sometimes used to extort money from companies or take down competitors.