Doom 3 features Martians as an ancient extinct race of people.
One of these subphyla is Trilobitomorpha, which contains trilobites, an extinct race.
Alagaësia was once host to a now extinct race known as the Grey Folk.
It was created by a now extinct race somewhat similar to our own.
The Library apparently contained the records of many extinct organic races.
However the area was preserved in order to provide a site for a planned "exotic museum of an extinct race".
In fact, he seemed proud that an extinct but far superior race had come here and gone away without the prize.
Viles are an extinct race who spawned the Demondim.
Or perhaps it was simply too small an archive to remember an obscure race so long extinct.
The galaxy is littered with ancient signs of races now extinct whom we did not get to in time, or who refused our contributions.