Department for Education officials are instilling fear in schools and putting them under intense pressure to convert voluntarily rather than face the stigma of being forced to become academies run by external sponsors as so-called failing schools.
Since Vietnam and Kampuchea are heavily dependent politically and militarily on external sponsors such a concept of 'non-alignment' involves a very different emphasis to that of neutrality or neutralisation.
The external sponsors have no control over the conduct or results of a study, once the statement of task and budget are finalized.
In 1987-1988, it was the first time to have external sponsor for the competition.
Her extraordinary salary of about $400,000 per season will be paid by external sponsors and not the club, its persons responsible stated.
Membership fees are usually the main income of a hackerspace, but some also accept external sponsors.
This is not schools opting for academy status; this is the government forcing schools away from local authority influence into the arms of external sponsors.
The lab is built in cooperation with a whole range of other external sponsors, especially Cisco Systems Company.
Operations are financed for the most part by the Japanese TV license payers but also by external sponsors and advertisers.
In the same way, the NGOs must be able to work without having to look for unlikely external sponsors.