The first group was simply a sensorium simulation, intended to create the internal and external sensations of instant, violent death.
With most users, the system-generated data-stream took over the sensory apparatus, suppressing external sensations completely.
Walker let himself become one with what he was feeling, an old trick, a blending of self with external sensations, all to gain a small measure of insight into the origin of what was unseen.
I feel the pod's skin melting . . . and then I lose all external sensation as the pod's sensory data feeds are catastrophically closed down.
I pretend not to teach, but to inquire; and therefore cannot but confess here again,- that external and internal sensation are the only passages I can find of knowledge to the understanding.
He looked down, expecting to find some insect, then realized it was not an external sensation, but an internal one.
Gleizes asserted repeatedly in his publications that human creation implies the total renunciation of external sensation.
Conscious thought is a result of a massive information compression process, which originates from external sensations, such as sight and hearing, or from internal thoughts or associations, and is governed by the context and the emotional state.
He slumped back on his heels, round-shouldered under the burden of sorrow and lapsed into total immobility, hands hanging limply between his thighs, his expressionless eyes blind to all external sensation - the classic symptoms of catatonia.