The assessment is based on the views of two or more external reviewers.
Because the Boehner bill does not create any new right to sue, the decision of "external reviewers" would be final.
The plans say that an external reviewer has no incentive to take costs into account in deciding disputes over problems that are not life-threatening.
Unfortunately, there are no cost standards to guide external reviewers.
Thus it is normal for manuscripts and grant proposals to be sent to one or more external reviewers for comment.
Under the Republican bill, patients could seek tort damages only if they won their case before the external reviewers.
The following list of questions is provided as a guide for external reviewers.
Proposals are evaluated by external reviewers with national reputations and ranked according to their quality, rewards and risk.
The candidate has to write an extensive thesis which is read by two external reviewers designated by the head of the institution.
One compromise that Democrats might accept, analysts say, would put in clear legislative language the right of external reviewers to define medical necessity.