They take both an external, outsider perspective as well as having the viewpoint of senior "insider" media executives.
AdvancED systems and tools probe internal and external perspectives, each critical to powerful school improvement.
The question for an institution of higher education, therefore, is how such an external perspective can be built into the curriculum.
Credit rating agencies rate the securities to provide an external perspective on the liabilities being created and help investors make better-informed decisions.
Different media allow us to incorporate "external perspectives" with which to understand and relate to the local and the distant.
The site, like many in cramped Rome, is challenged for external perspectives.
From an external perspective, the most notable change was the gradual reduction in the number of external connectors on the unit.
We must, I feel, work on practical issues, from both an internal and an external perspective.
Then there is the external perspective: what can the Commission and the EU do on the external stage?
There is also a close link here to the external perspective, because the Union imports almost a third of the fish it sells from outside.