Cool and wicked satires, mostly taking place in theme parks where reality is created by the owners and external perceptions are fenced out.
Her "vivid, external perceptions are complemented and balanced by a more exploratory, inwardly poetic kind of writing."
Introspection, therefore, though it is one among our sources of knowledge, is not, in isolation, in any degree more trustworthy than "external" perception.
I come now to our second question: Does introspection give us materials for the knowledge of relations other than those arrived at by reflecting upon external perception?
"As our self-perception changes," he said, "then the external perception will change as well."
But there is an ever-present danger of mistaking external perception for reality.
Change of sense-impression is the proper term for external perception.
Therefore if external perception were the means on knowing the connection then inference related to objects of the past and future could not happen.
Also, it doesn't scramble your external perceptions, except that soft things feel softer, music sounds better.
The text indents the prayers in the section, presenting them without interaction with Cheryl's character, as stand-alone external perceptions of the incident.