The Navy cites external oversight, including ongoing monitoring, in defense of its animal care standards.
East Main Evaluation & Consulting provides external oversight, advice, and assistance.
Mr. Kahn, a retired Wall Street executive, said he was working to form a group to provide external oversight of the organization's governance.
It has no periodic evaluations of personnel, no psychological support for officers, and no external oversight, like a police control board.
The police forces are subject to external oversight.
The recent European council summit meeting may result in making permanent much of the current framework of external oversight of the Irish public finances.
Second, the F.B.I. needs greater external oversight.
The results can be disastrous, such as a military with no external, independent oversight, which may commit human rights violations against the public.
Civilian review boards (permanent external oversight agencies) have also been used as a means for improving police accountability.
This means that schools effectively could have no external oversight from one OFSTED to the next - maybe 5 years.