The opinion of the majority of professional archaeologists interviewed seems to be that there is no archaeological evidence to support external Indo-Aryan origins.
There are also exogenous (from sources of external origin) causes such as intravenous injection of emulsions.
These may be of local or external origin.
Likewise, some of the graphics in the game are of external origin, but all are freeware.
But, as Sarah Foot has pointed out, Biscop does not need to have been derived from an external origin.
It appeared not to fully develop yet, fully developed copper metallurgy would have indicated that it would have external origins.
The idea of a trip around the world within a set period had clear external origins and was popular before Verne published his book in 1872.
In Borealis Planitia, however, most of the ridges are of external origin.
It is also appropriate for conservation of a threatened species where the threat is of external origin rather than being intrinsic to the system.
In most cases, an illness is the effect of the various ways in which we neglect our bodies, or it has an external origin.