Current attempts to link its internal to its external development have something synthetic about them.
The two determining external developments for modern Western puppetry are materialism and movies.
The offspring are born live, and then crawl onto their mother's back for another two to six weeks of external development.
However, recent developments, both internal and external, have arguably weakened the influence of the Proporz system in Austrian politics.
Internal and external development of the Community.
This era was also marked with significant external developments.
'This will enable funding of external strategic development should an opportunity arise,' the Group declared.
Coventya continued to pursue the globalization trend, favoring the external development of the company by acquisition:
Governments must sometimes adopt austere economic polices, usually because of unfavorable external developments or unsound policies over many years.
A combination of external developments and an increasingly aggravated domestic economic crisis, however, forced them to engage in more far- reaching changes.