To avoid this unpleasant conclusion, the United States should resolve to eliminate its external deficit by 1992.
The external deficit would not have ballooned.
An external money market in a currency is not dependent on external deficits.
The Think Big schemes saw the government borrow heavily overseas, running up a large external deficit, and using the funds for large-scale industrial projects.
He inherited an unusually large external deficit on the balance of trade.
It's necessary for a closing of the external deficit.
If public budgets are not the main explanation behind large external deficits, why should they bear the brunt of downsizing them?
Withdrawing production aid, as well as having a very serious effect on employment, would increase our external deficit.
The second use is to cover balance of payments external deficits.
In the name of international policy co-ordination, Japan held its interest rates down to support the dollar and to help America finance its external deficit.