They said the country's net foreign debt was halved to $13.6 billion from $27.2 billion a year earlier because of an increase in external assets.
Japan's net external assets stood at 67 trillion yen (644 billion dollars) in 1992, up from 52 trillion yen a year earlier.
At the same time, the yield on gross external assets was only 3.8 percent, falling below the 4.9 percent yield on Japanese government bonds.
The difference between a country's external financial assets and liabilities is its net international investment position (NIIP).
In the 1990s, the Djibouti economy deteriorated dramatically, with net external assets falling by 40 per cent.
One thing I just thought of that I didn't include in the articles are instances in which we embed external assets within posts themselves.
Third, the current external assets of the Persian Gulf countries are a potential source of funds.
In looking at internal as well as external assets, remember the fundamental rule of clandestine operations: the more secure, the less efficient.
It is the world's largest creditor with external assets worth 60% of GDP.
For example, the value of external assets or liabilities can change due to higher or lower stockmarket prices or a default/write-off on debt.