Ernst & Young will, however, feel the effects of no longer serving as both internal and external accountants for its clients, Mr. Turley said.
Proposal of a suitable list of candidates for the appointment of the internal and external accountants of PARLACEN to the plenary.
The firm's external accountant will usually decide how to present the information, although if you have a qualified accountant on staff, they may make this decision.
The investigation also questioned the adequacy of city oversight, stating, "City agencies that fund not-for-profits are ill-equipped to stand in for their ineffective boards and external accountants."
Its accounts are scrutinised each year by an external accountant, and are presented to the following Annual General Meeting for approval by the membership.
I now have to pay a substantial sum each year to employ an external accountant to provide that accountability.
The external certified public accountant, i.e. external auditors, in most countries.
Rigas's defense asserted that he expected the Adelphia board, lawyers, and external accountants to provide him warning of any possible abuse.
In "large" companies, they oversee auditing performed by external certified public accountants, i.e. external auditors.
To weave its tale, the government will draw on company insiders, internal and external accountants, credit analysts and would-be whistle-blowers.