Gather helpful tips on both interior and exterior painting in this home improvement article.
And he sure as hell didn't mind turning over the exterior painting to others.
The same problem has emerged with items like regular exterior painting.
After that we still have the floors, ceilings, and fireplaces to do, plus the driveway, the front steps, and some exterior painting.
Work ranges from interior and exterior painting, to carpentry, drywalling, and basic masonry, depending on the needs of the particular site.
Recent restoration included replacement of the rotting quoins with redwood duplicates, a new roof, rain gutters, and exterior painting in historical colors, including white trim.
I sent him outside to make a start on the exterior painting, and went back to tidy up the mess.
With some jobs, like exterior painting, you may be able to work behind the sun.
The home's last major exterior painting was done approximately 10 years ago and has no relation to the 1993 refurbishing project.
There is a limit of about $25,000 for each home for improvements including roof repair, fencing, masonry work, window replacement, exterior painting and insulation.