In another twist, regulators say that a half-dozen environmental permits and studies will be required because of the extensive pollution caused by leftovers from a coal gasification plant.
For example, extensive pollution and labor laws that would not be considered lawful in many developed countries are allowed in many lesser-developed countries.
Mr. Campbell said it was "quite unusual" to have such extensive pollution in a park that does not have any history of industrial activity.
China is highly dependent on coal for generating electricity, which emits extensive pollution.
Subsequent extensive toxic pollution, loss of industry jobs and racial segregation in the 1960s and 1970s resulted in urban decay.
State governments have been pressing the issue, through the National Governors' Association and other groups, because of extensive pollution at military bases and other Federal installations.
The town has also suffered extensive pollution as a result of uncontrolled growth and heavy congestion.
Due to extensive pollution, this turned out to be a bad deal for the state.
Defense Department bases and contractors have been identified by Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency as responsible for extensive pollution across the country.
It is the EU's most polluted maritime area with extensive pollution from the land, as well as from ships.