The complaint will be supported, agency officials said, by extensive citations from internal company documents.
Mohan has published more than 50 peer reviewed journal articles and several papers have received extensive citations in science community.
The book contains extensive citations to references which are commonly held to be reputable, while at the same time most of the actual content is anecdotal.
Most, but not all, secondary sources use extensive citation.
One of his publication over colon cancer, published in Cell (journal) has extensive citations of more than 2000 so far.
Some online museums have become significant sources of scholarly information, including extensive citations within Wikipedia.
The extensive citations and treatment of economic others ideas in this book were omitted in his later book The Economics of Enterprise (1914).
He is known for his wide contributions to public policy in Canada and extensive citation on economic issues.
A. M. Kayastha has credit of publishing more than 80 peer reviewed journal articles and several papers have got extensive citations in science community.
Not only is it comprehensive and clear; it also provides extensive citation to important case and statutory law.