Noting that county agents and extension specialists are always sharing ideas with farmers and others, she said: "That's the beauty of extension.
They are sometimes referred to as county agents, extension specialists or extension educators.
Upon graduation in 1923, and for the next 10 years, he was an extension specialist for the college in poultry husbandry.
Department faculty, cooperative extension specialists, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students training and studying in fields including ecology, wildlife management, conservation biology, animal behavior, evolution, and population biology.
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant began in April, 1982, as a joint venture between extension specialists and faculty at the University of Illinois and Purdue University in Indiana.
As the extension specialist in perishables at the University of California, Davis (1989-1994), Ahrens developed handling and packaging systems for multiple fresh and fresh-cut products, including fresh-cut peeled baby carrots.
The fund of the Chief Scientist is open to scientists from all institutions - ARO, universities, regional research organizations, extension specialists and farmers.
Many of the researchers and extension specialists who work at the center also have joint appointments in departments within LSU's College of Agriculture.
After graduation I worked in research at the University of Delaware and then returned to Rutgers as an extension specialist in forage crops.
To find these new cultivars one can visit turfgrass seed distributors, extension specialists, or visit the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program website at: