Described by Kartodikromo as an extended simile, Student Hidjo has been noted as depicting a new Indonesian youth culture which has adopted Western cultural and lingual facets.
Kartodikromo described it as an extended simile.
Take, for example, what he does with Homer's extended similes - the most striking of this translation's achievements.
Arnold ends with an extended simile of a Tyrian merchant seaman who flees from the irruption of Greek competitors to seek a new world in Iberia.
He notes that the first quatrain is an extended simile of a patient with a fever, keeping himself ill with things he doesn't really like.
The epithets show Homer working with his traditional material, but the extended similes bring vivid, firsthand experience into the poem.
Daedalus' appearance in Homer is in an extended simile, "plainly not Homer's invention," Robin Lane Fox observes: "he is a point of comparison and so he belongs in stories which Homer's audience already recognized."
He retained the basic story-line, but felt free to cut, amplify or add to its incidents, to replace extended similes with local counterparts and to omit most of Homer's ever-recurring compound epithets.
Cydonians are mentioned in book 12 of the Aeneid, where their excellent bow skills are used in an extended Virgilian simile describing the Fury's descent to Juturna.
Hilton Landry notes that the poem is an extended simile with metaphors in each branch of the simile; he also called it the "simplest and sweetest" of the group.