His shows often consist of extended riffs and long anecdotes.
"Purple Haze" features both a string quartet and an extended virtuoso riff for a percussionist hammering the strings and the body of an open grand piano.
I picked Atrios out of a hat, because he has featured the "101th Fighting Keyboardists" a number of time, which is essentially an extended riff on "stupid people from the other side."
Children will read "The Subtle Knife" as an adventure story rather than as an extended riff on liberty and free will derived from Books 5 and 6 of "Paradise Lost."
At a senior center in Plymouth, Gingrich's debuted an extended riff bashing "Massachusetts moderate Mitt Romney" for straying from conservative principles as governor.
An extended vocal riff, described as "scatchy" closes the track.
It is his extended riff on a tour with Stevie Wonder in the early 1980's to help make the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday.
The longest stretch came near the end, in the form of an extended riff on MacBeth involving Homer killing a ton of people.
The result is a book that delivers little more than an extended riff on the bizarre rites of America's futurist fringe.
The episode was an extended riff on the drawbacks of environmentally approved low-flow shower heads.