During an extended descriptive passage, each species adopts a different tactic.
Save for one extended passage, it appears almost as an afterthought at the end of some chapters, and that's just as well.
Then they actually did touch for an extended choreographic passage.
Here is a vastly different conception from the snuffbox; suddenly we are listening to an extended passage of serious music.
Almost alone among the group, Glazer has never written an extended autobiographical passage.
The work ends with an extended passage against the contemporary divisions and heresies within the church.
The play includes two extended passages of improvisation where audience members are recruited into the play.
In an extended passage, a father confesses to being disappointed that his son hasn't turned out to be more like him.
In addition, there are more extended passages of background music sampled from brass instruments.
Most scholars concur that such extended passages require the use of quotation marks.