Married couples leave their Patrilocal extended household only after several children are born.
In size they range from about five by seven meters up to ten by fifteen meters for a large extended household.
Even in the imperial period this was maintained, though in fact true power lay with the emperor and his extended household.
Anderson (1971), for example, suggests that there was actually an increase in extended households in this period.
Leah returns to help Charles, but also begins living in a cage, as part of Charles' extended household.
In the plantation housing, it was not possible to maintain extended households even if the kin were available.
Although many younger Asians say family is important, they are finding it difficult to live up to the tradition of the extended household.
Individuals were also part of extended households so their absences would immediately be noticed.
On a bright and otherwise cheerful morning, Tenchi Masaki assembles his extended household in the backyard of the family home for a group photograph.
Some of the children, maybe a majority, in the extended household were, but he had got the various names mixed up in his mind.