So his personal and theatrical instincts make this extended excursion perfectly logical.
Redfield provides the most extended excursions into snow and the thick paint he favors is perfect for rendering that subject.
The park headquarters has a basic map and staff can arrange a local guide for walks or more extended excursions around the area, as well as rafting on the Nam Wa.
Afterward, the First planned to make an extended metaphysical excursion to contact the elan of Thonolan.
In 1874 he captained Oxford and helped to pin the Engineers back in their own half for long periods with extended excursions into opposition territory.
With Paul Ascherson (1834-1913) and Ludwig Schneider (1809-1889), he took part in extended botanical excursions.
Most of the second set was tied together with extended excursions into quiet, ambient improvisation, especially on the half-hour version of "Twist."
Yuan Zhongdao spent quantities of money on boats for his extended excursions.
She also spent a great deal of time on modeling assignments while Jim was home on leave, including an extended excursion to the Pacific Northwest with photographer Andrè de Dienes.
Probably over the summer of 1538 (though there may also have been earlier and/or later trips), he made an extended excursion through Wales.