An extended dispute followed the 2007 election regarding the allocation of the seats based on proportional representation.
The election produced an extended and violent dispute over the results; Ouattara eventually prevailed when forces loyal to him captured Abidjan in April 2011.
But the 90-day trial comes amid an extended dispute between the agency and the air traffic controllers' union about how many employees are required to meet safety standards.
Business leaders worried aloud Thursday that an extended dispute could hurt tourist revenues, which provide 70 percent of the Dominican Republic's hard currency.
Some telephone company executives said today that they supported the idea in principle, but made it clear that there was room for extended dispute over the details.
The power plant has been idle for months because of an extended dispute with its only customer, a state utility, over payments for power.
They were not accustomed to interference or criticism, so this triggered an extended dispute between the school and the government before being resolved when the school agreed to meet standards.
After his death, Wildenstein's fortune became the subject of an extended legal dispute.
The circumstances under which Rooney came to be represented by Stretford, rather than his original agent, Peter McIntosh, were the subject of an extended dispute.
Opposition candidate Marc Ravalomanana prevailed in an extended dispute with Ratsiraka over the election results, and Ratsiraka fled into exile.