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Employers are required to offer the extended coverage to all departing employees except those fired for "gross misconduct."
The network will broadcast 10 hours of extended coverage of the festival on Saturday and Sunday.
The company offers special benefits such as extended coverages and dividends to members of each of these associations.
The new insurance program provides extended coverage for the costs of hospital and medical care, along with drug benefits.
During its first year, it operated as a regular channel, providing extended coverage of several events and sports broadcasts.
The contested cases - which tend to attract more extended coverage - are very particular types of cases.
Apple, like many manufacturers, offers a one-year warranty and also sells extended coverage.
For example, if the basic benefits package turns out skimpy, the rich will buy extended coverage out of their own pockets.
However, the interviewees did not indicate what price they would be prepared to pay for such extended coverage.
And, they said, the longer warranties will put pressure on the importers of Japanese cars to match the extended coverage.