An explanation has a sharing function if the speaker is producing it in order to share his knowledge with other people, and so extend their understanding.
This extended our understanding of the dynamic processes involved in plate tectonics.
Each reader includes a glossary of new words and exercises to extend students' understanding of the text.
Learning Logs also give the opportunity for the students to provide feedback to their teachers in order to help extend and elaborate their understanding.
The results have been predictable and have not extended our understanding.
To extend the student's understanding of psychiatric conditions, their treatment and nursing care.
As they work with poetry, children are able to reflect on what they know, to extend their understanding and to make new discoveries.
To extend the candidate's understanding and knowledge in his/her chosen field of entrepreneurial endeavour.
More than two decades later none of the new books extends our understanding of Edie.
In addition, they have extended our understanding of the nature of portfolio risk and exactly what is achieved by diversification.