There are less than 2500 individuals left in the wild and all extant populations appear to be in decline.
The single extant population of this rare plant variety is now fenced and protected.
This frequency is dramatically different from the extant Swedish population (74%).
Few of the extant populations have more than 25 plants.
So you don't like the word "indigenous" to describe the extant population of the country.
Most of the extant population, estimated at 6300 to 8100 mature trees, are isolated.
According to their website, New York management includes trying to find extant populations if they are still present.
A. vesiculosa has declined over the last century to only 50 confirmed extant populations worldwide.
Range wide, 71 extant populations have been identified, but most are small in plant numbers and area covered.
Five isolated extant populations have been identified since its rediscovery in 1992.