'Going through a dead person's effects gives you an advantage you don't necessarily want. . .' A waiter came with the plates on which halibut had been exquisitely arranged with green beans.
Dramatically lighted and exquisitely arranged like precious jewelry, the 200 stone and metal artifacts glow ruby red, bright green, blue and gold on pedestals and in showcases.
One landed on the dressing table; more of her exquisitely arranged pieces were swept to the floor.
The reader is carried as if through exquisitely arranged rooms of a building - where there are deliteful changes but you are never jolted by sudden contradictions.
In this finely balanced revival, Lanford Wilson's 1987 drama emerges as an exquisitely arranged chamber piece for four people who have misplaced their deepest feelings.
If Mr. Levingston lacks the master's touch to make quiet tones ring with presence, one could still listen hard and enjoy Debussy's exquisitely arranged broken chords.
It must be exquisitely arranged, and it will cost a great deal.
A bubble bowl on the sill was filled with flowers, exquisitely arranged.
Translating those same elements in dramatic terms, "Burn This" emerges as an exquisitely arranged chamber piece for four self-distancing people who have misplaced their deepest feelings.
The music, while meticulously arranged and exquisitely detailed, largely rehashes Sting's songs for the Police.