It is probably ungrateful to note that no Debussy is present and that Chausson's exquisite songs are also missing.
In the early version he brought the tune back at the close of the finale as well, ending the work with exquisite hushed song instead of the later rattling arpeggios.
He wrote more than one hundred exquisite songs.
That is where his exquisite early songs of discontent and disillusion were almost exclusively performed first.
There are exquisite English madrigal-styled songs, and wonderful comedy numbers.
"Im Abendrot" forms the climax to this sequence of four almost equally exquisite songs.
The album is full of exquisite songs that overlap without quite connecting: Mr. Darnielle knows that the best albums are usually the ones you can't quite figure out.
Why, this is a more exquisite song than the other.
In hand were his exquisite songs and piano pieces, the imperfect but inspired symphonies, and more.
I wonder, my Lady, if you would favor me with one of your exquisite songs.