Our Constitution expressly declares that it is the supreme law of the land.
So important a change in the condition of citizenship as it actually existed, if intended, would have been expressly declared.
The prohibition was taken over from an earlier Act, in which the purchase of opium was expressly declared a crime.
Express trusts are those expressly declared by the settlor.
Article 16 is expressly declared not to apply to judgments concerning status or capacity of persons, fields in which certainty is essential.
In the report, the Commission expressly declared to have fulfilled their duties and to have finalised all their activities.
A perpetual statute is one for the continuance of which there is no limited time, although it may not be expressly declared to be so.
Asín expressly declared that the work was limited to a Christian interpretation of the celebrated Muslim and his work.
This is a Construction suggested by the very Nature of the Subject; but he has not been contented with that, but expressly declared it.
The Government has never expressly declared that the C.I.A. must abide by the laws of war.