Athanasius Kircher expressly asked what were the reasons why he decided to become priest.
The state expressly asks him to trust to Bucket.
Sacks expressly asked the producers not to kill his character, so that he could return for a guest spot in the future.
And, what is more, he expressly asked me to call him Freddie.
Barrow arranged at least one more meeting, expressly asking his mother to find and return Jones then, but to no avail.
"You intruded upon my privacy when I expressly asked you not to."
I would expressly ask you what progress is being made on this matter.
We expressly asked for a broad article on equal treatment and anti-discrimination to be included in the Treaty.
I would expressly ask Member States to use this opportunity.
Last year, we expressly asked the Commission to clarify an important budget line, namely accompanying measures.