Often, the expressive use to which Geisel put an image later on was quite different from the original.
That vision included making Dublin a virtual character in the drama, and few films have made more expressive use of city locations.
Sometimes they are about the reverse: the way purely musical sounds can be made into noise, and then turned to expressive use.
Though 1986 was not a year for pervasive trends, new directions could be detected, particularly in the expressive use of materials.
Stylistically, the works are modern and make expressive use of colour.
His carved puppet characters were animated in complex sets with an expressive use of lighting.
At his best, he offers an innovatively expressive use of the standard ballet vocabulary.
The expressive use of color is a complementary force.
In his later works he demonstrated fauvism techniques and strong, expressive use of colour.
It is both formal, especially in a sharply expressive use of spatial composition, and colloquial.