At a time when other photographers are trying to use the medium as an emotionally expressive tool, the Bechers rely on its seeming objectivity.
Mr. Jones's greatness consists of his use of musical balance as an expressive tool.
Photographers can get away with manipulating the tones of black-and-white images more, and thus gain an extra expressive tool.
Elevated light contrasts are a principal expressive tool in black-and-white photography, all the more so when the images are silver prints.
"Kids probably don't have the expressive tools to adequately convey remorse even when they feel it, and yet it's held against them at sentencing."
After graduation Kuljerić felt intrigued by the new expressive and experimental musical tools that had become available.
For every time-based visual media platform there are examples work in which dance and movement are used as the primary expressive tool.
Digital is only another expressive tool.
It can be abused as any other expressive tool.
There are all kinds of expressive tools to work with here, but they don't really have much to do with an orthodox clarinet tone.