His teaching represents a wide-range of topics centered in theory, cultural studies, and expressive culture.
Complexity in the domain of expressive culture, music, and the social organization of complex musical traditions is one of his major specialties.
The core curriculum is designed to foster analytical thinking and includes courses in western civilization, social policy, scientific inquiry, non-Western societies and expressive culture.
In addition, folklorists study medical, supernatural, religious, and political belief systems as an essential, often unspoken, part of expressive culture.
Folklore is the body of expressive culture, including tales, music, dance, legends, oral history, proverbs, jokes, popular beliefs, customs, and more within a particular people.
The strong emotive language expressed by David towards Jonathan is also argued to be akin to that of platonic expressions in more expressive or pre-urban cultures.
KlezKanada's program includes instrumental and vocal music, dance, drama, visual arts and folkcrafts, language, literature, film and other forms of expressive culture.
Professor Nájera-Ramírez teaches courses on folklore theory, expressive culture, dance, cultural performances, and Greater Mexico.
Folklore is a body of expressive culture.
Kiowa cultural identity and pride is apparent in their expressive culture and strong influence on the Gourd Dance and southern plains art.