Emotions involve physiological arousal, appraisal of the situation, expressive behaviours, and conscious experience.
All these forms of expressive behavior testing-and new ones spring up every year4-are still in the experimental stage.
These are types of patterns which have developed affectively through social and familial circumstances to provide similar expressive behaviors to those they adopted it from.
In addition, music provides a stimulus for expressive behavior in many social contexts, such as concerts, dances, and ceremonies.
Although these expressive behaviors can be measured experimentally, there have been very few controlled studies observing this behavior.
In some cases, the expressive behaviours, judgements or appropriate reactions associated with an emotion term are different.
There are decreased expressive behavior but no "observable" physiological consequences.
While in suppression, the positive and negative expressive behavior both decreased.
Laird interpreted these results as "indicating that an individual's expressive behavior mediates the quality of his emotional experience."
What the audience is watching is Lear's expressive behaviour, not the actor's.