Their expressions differed; only the nervous paging through tattered magazines seemed to bind them together.
Still, up to the mid-20th century most anthropology believed that facial expressions were entirely learned and could therefore differ among cultures.
The two expressions only differ by a constant which is the same at the beginning and at the end of the collision.
Their grim expressions differed strikingly from the simple camaraderie of the evening before.
With any alien race, however, Kirk realized he could be projecting; emotional facial expressions differed by culture.
Research has shown that the emotional expressions differ between Western and Eastern cultures.
The dances, dress and verbal expressions at weddings differ in detail from district to district.
Except- Except that their expressions differed, subtly but definitely.
Niebuhr's theology shows great sensitivity to the ways in which expressions of faith differ from one religious community to another.
These two linguistic expressions differ in sense, but they do have the same referent, that is Tony Blair.