In 1988, Steeg et al identified a gene, nm23, whose expression correlates strongly with the ability to metastasise.
It is believed increased expression of cyclin E correlated with poorer prognosis.
Their expression correlates with a more immature cellular state and a more rapid disease course.
These observations indicate that cytoplasmic expression of p27 correlates with that of cyclin D1.
Through multiple molecular analyses we have identified and verified a number of genes whose expression correlates with the metastatic phenotype in this xenograft model.
Furthermore, the expression of CIP2A correlates with breast cancer aggressivity.
Membranous expression of pre-S1 also correlated significantly with the status of hepatitis B virus replication.
Membranous expression of pre-S1 and pre-S2 correlated significantly with active hepatitis B virus replication.
Clinical expression correlates with location of rhodopsin mutation in dominant retinitis pigmentosa.
In the present example, finding genes whose expression correlates with patient survival is an obvious challenge.