The expectations there are greater than for any other position on television, leading some producers to express trepidation at being placed there.
Many players scheduled for this year's matches, including Tiger Woods and David Duval, had expressed trepidation about traveling to Europe.
Several cast members expressed trepidation at the prospect of the live episode.
He expressed trepidation that the newly constituted commission could kill the measure.
Nearly all, however, expressed trepidation about the effect on the nation, where the annual per capita income hovers at about $360.
David Bradley is a game soul, but even he expressed trepidation about dining al fresco in forty-degree weather.
Republicans and many Democrats express trepidation about such a big expansion of Federal responsibilities.
Some of his friends have expressed trepidation about being outdoors at the center.
In some, he is heard expressing trepidation about taking on the job.
More conservative members of the party expressed trepidation and said they feared Mr. Brown's ascension would further fuel an image of liberalism the party needs to combat.