While the government discounted the criticisms raised in the letter, Goulding suggested that the opinions expressed therein were also held by current employees of the Foreign Office.
Selection of any given book is not to be interpreted as an endorsement of the views expressed therein.
Rosegarten specially commends the views therein expressed about Ossian, the authenticity of whose poem Campbell stoutly maintained.
Since 1951, 140 states have signed the Convention, officially recognizing the binding principle of non-refoulement expressed therein.
WebMD is not responsible for the opinions expressed therein.
This advice stated Goldsmith's preferred view in more unequivocal terms than his earlier memo, without reference to the doubts expressed therein.
An idiosyncratic analysis of the Cantilena implies the minute examination of its constitution, particularly of the ideas expressed therein.
It irritates me when I read a questionable piece of prose concerning suggesting that the opinion expressed therein lies in the purely factual.
Our vote on this resolution is justified by the position clearly expressed therein on the future of relations between the EU and Belarus.
This report is the start of our budgetary procedure, and we share the bulk of the concerns and, often, the priorities, expressed therein.