Express warranty claims focus on express statements by the manufacturer or the seller concerning the product (e.g., "This chainsaw is useful to cut turkeys").
The only text which makes an express statement on this is found in Paul's sententiae.
I have given this first, because - though jotted down at great speed- it is an express statement of my father's views at this time, in three, major respects.
In this, he considered the silences and lacunae within a text to be as significant as express statements.
In the absence of an express statement, it is uncertain whether the purchaser's prior knowledge is a defence available to the vendor.
Even if there is no such express statement the author feels that there is no reason why the definition should be restricted in any way to UK settlements.
Here, the language provides no express statement on when an alien must be present in the United States and other familiar terms of immigration law, such as "continuous physical presence" are not used.
Here, the language provides no express statement on when an alien must be present in the United States.
Such intention is usually evidenced by an express statement in the notes that together they constitute an agreement.
The parties cannot, however, by an express statement of intention alter the legal consequences of their bargain.