His genius has also expressed itself in critically acclaimed works for modern orchestra and ballet ensembles.
The movement traces its roots to the ideas expressed in written works.
Interpret the meanings expressed in works of dance, music, theater and visual arts.
His views on astrology, expressed in several works, attempted to balance divine omniscience and human free will.
At the end of the war he returned to Milan and expressed his civil commitment in works in an overtly Realist style.
Sartre was unique among famous philosophers in being equally comfortable expressing his ideas in works of fiction and in technical treatises.
The doctrine combined with reversed causation can further be found explicitly expressed in works such as A Course in Miracles.
This vision was expressed in his literary and visual works which often appeared as satirical, cutting, ironic and critical or, on other occasions, irreverent yet playful.
This makes a large portion of the work a summary of excerpts on critical concepts expressed in previous works in a condensed form.
The delightful dichotomy of simultaneously concealing and revealing is elegantly expressed in such works.