In that city he became acquainted with Abraham Geiger, who, in various letters to his friends, repeatedly expressed esteem for Frensdorff's character and learning.
In his eulogy, Gallieni expressed esteem for the former prime minister in the following terms: "Rainilaiarivony was worthy of leading you.
Depending on how he talks to him (way of formulation, body language, intonation ...) he expresses esteem, respect, friendliness, disinterest, contempt or something else.
As a singer and showman, Adams has gained respect and appreciation even from critics who do not express particular esteem for the band.
Before leaving Rome on Jan. 11, the Pope went out of his way to express his "profound respect and sincere esteem" for Buddhism.
I express my deep love and esteem for the black Catholic community in the United States.
In his autobiography, Leo Tolstoy expressed such esteem in reaction to overhearing Grisha praying:
I would like, therefore, to express great esteem for the rapporteurs, of course, who are always key people.
Finally, I would like to express my sympathy and esteem for our Japanese friends.
Morsi closed the letter by expressing "highest esteem and consideration."