Earlier, the Princess issued a statement expressing her outrage and distress over the affair.
Honest Jellyband's face now expressed distress in spite of himself.
In the single word, Piemur expressed his disbelief and distress.
Father Lavigny was kind enough to express great distress at my leaving.
The victim's mother, Carolyn Bunch, expressed distress at the court's decision.
American officials have done little except to express "shock and distress."
Being prepared to listen while a patient expresses his concerns and distress is another important aspect of therapy.
Attempted suicide appears to have become an acceptable way of expressing distress among some people, and has therefore been likened to a fashion.
But as with the swamp, there was nowhere to go but on, so he did not express distress.
Thus, when a woman expresses distress at a man's overtures, she becomes erotic to him.