Spouses generally tend to have the most difficulty adjusting to this experience, although adult daughters also tend to express difficulty.
Railfans in particular are advised that they may require a platform ticket for access to platforms, but some individuals have expressed difficulty in obtaining them.
Nico is a very emotional person and has repeatedly expressed difficulty with knowing precisely what she is feeling.
Mitsuda expressed difficulty in selecting the songs for the orchestral medley, eventually picking a song from each era and certain character themes.
Many Hebrew names similarly express the importance of, difficulty of, and thankfulness for a successful pregnancy.
He expressed difficulty in breathing when an ambulance was called in.
However, she has expressed difficulty in rearranging sub-atomic matter.
Yang expresses difficulty connecting with the children on pediatrics, to Robbins' disappointment.
Other quarterbacks, like the former Giant Dave Brown, have also expressed difficulty about picking up Reeves's system.
She expressed difficulty relating to an emotion that sprang from her heart instead of her mind.