Going into race week, many drivers expressed apprehension about the upcoming race.
With 48 hours left before the deadline, many Iraqis expressed deep apprehension about what lay ahead.
Larry had expressed apprehension that day about performing the stunt.
Others, however, expressed apprehension, saying the police could aggravate an already tense balance.
Many attendants interviewed this week expressed apprehension about flying, but most said they were simply glad to get back to work.
While pageant officials across the country said they were supportive of the new ideas, others expressed apprehension.
Others expressed apprehension about the complicated administrative practices of Social Security.
Local officials and representatives of the religious establishment continued to express apprehension about the group's missionary activities.
Wide eyes seemed to express controlled apprehension - or perhaps wonderment.
But some citizens express apprehension about the tactics of the opposition leaders.