"Toxic exposures to schoolchildren took their toll in the form of cancer and other serious diseases," the suit says.
But despite these efforts hunger, malnutrition, disease and exposure are taking their grim toll.
However, his exposure had taken place weeks ago, and that was a long time for even a slow-acting toxin to make its presence felt.
Now that the exposure has taken place isn't it too late to stop the cancers from developing?
Lack of ventilation and the exposure to dust may well take its toll.
The exposure usually takes a fraction of a second.
Even within a community, what will be seen as indecent will also depend on the context in which the exposure takes place.
All this exposure to copylefted code was taking its toll.
An explosion and long exposure to theta radiation had taken care of that.
BUT what if the risks are very small and the exposures took place in the distant past?