Chronic, high-level exposure have shown to reduce fertility in males.
That exposure in the All-Star Game showed people who he is.
Prolonged exposure to high concentrations may show weakness, dizziness, loss of weight; liver injury may develop.
Further exposure was gained through radio shows with the likes of Blink 182 and 311.
Further exposure showed that a grating reformed which underwent a steady blue shift whilst growing in strength.
Chronic (long-term) exposure to ethylbenzene by inhalation in humans has shown conflicting results regarding its effects on the blood.
Whether by handshake or by waving "Hi," exposure of the empty, unclenched hand shows that no weapon is being carried.
A longer exposure would show more faint colors beyond the outside red ring.
Over the last several months, families with lower incomes, and little exposure to the stock market, have shown no change in their level of optimism.
A long-term exposure to a low concentration showed no toxicity.