Greater scene contrast can be accommodated by making one or more exposures of the same scene using different exposure settings and then combining those images.
The P150 supplements its nine fully automatic scene modes with manual flash and exposure settings for photographers who want more control.
The strength of a flash device is often indicated in terms of a guide number designed to simplify exposure setting.
In normal lighting conditions, the exposure settings of a manual camera really only have to be changed after ten minutes or so, or when changing location.
These modes selected whether the exposure settings were set automatically, semiautomatically or fully manually.
Most equipment is the same used for adult imaging, but using lower dose and exposure setting adapted for children.
But he added that film still outperformed the digital camera in areas like color accuracy and tolerance for improper exposure settings.
The R707 uses your most recent focus and exposure settings.
On these cameras, the Bulb, or B, exposure setting is used to keep the shutter open.
The zoom and automatic exposure settings are fast and responsive.