This camera took exposure measurements, via a spotmeter, through the taking lens, an incredible innovation.
The measurement services of the institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (BGs) in Germany perform exposure measurements at workplaces.
Uniform per-mile exposure measurement for the first time provides the basis for statistically valid rate classes.
Take exposure measurements at regular intervals.
Flash pre exposure measurement was provided allowing the camera's meter to measure manually controlled flash such as studio flash.
True, I'm not a fan of computer-guess exposure measurement, nor of programmed metering, in which the camera chooses both the aperture and the shutter speed for me.
With a dosimeter, a microphone is attached to the employee's clothing and the exposure measurement is simply read at the end of the desired time period.
But when camera makers added other chores besides exposure measurement to the battery assignment sheet, little buttons no longer could do the job.
OSHA requires that records of exposure measurements and audiometric tests be maintained.
Credit risk managers have traditionally remained focused on current exposure measurement (i.e., current mark-to-market exposure, plus outstanding receivables) and collateral management.