The increased exposure allowed the band to play concerts in other European countries.
The exposure to cyberpunk ideas and fiction in the mid 1980s has allowed it to seep into the Japanese culture.
Leading consultants say their broad exposure to what is happening in the market allows them to help clients without violating confidences.
This "double exposure" allows cats to see well in near darkness.
This even exposure of wood along the whole blade allows a longer blade life, as sharpening is less frequent.
Exposure to red light would cause the tips to stick, while exposure to far-red would allow them to release.
The long-duration exposure allowed the spiral structure of the galaxy to be seen for the first time.
The first exposure allows the body to create antibodies and memory lymphocyte cells for the antigen.
This exposure to contemporary poetic practise allows students to interrogate the process, as well as the end product, of their own and others' works.
This exposure allows children to observe and learn the different skills and practices that are valued in their communities.