As usual, the important social events took place far north of the exposition center and the city of Bordeaux.
The exposition center reached its capacity of 4,000 by 11 A.M., two hours after opening.
The Exposition Center is a wonderful facility and we were thankful for them allowing us the opportunity to play there.
The church where he is buried has been deconsecrated and is now used by the city of Amsterdam as an exposition center.
But perhaps the most fearsome weapon for sale in the cavernous, crowded exposition center was a book.
Several cities have also improved transportation from hotels to exposition centers, shortening commute times.
The Palavela, the site of figure skating and short-track racing, will become a temporary exposition center.
(So that cloud over the exposition center wasn't just heat inversion?)
The Exposition Center was added in the $26 million renovation and expansion of the complex, completed in 1989.
Organizers had set out 2,000 chairs at the Exposition Center here, but at most a quarter were occupied.